Language: Malayalam.
Tamil, Kannada, Kongini and Thulu are also spoken in the border districts of kerala. English is widely spoken. Hindi is also widespread.
Population: 3,18,38,619 (M- 1,54,68,654. FM- 1,63,69,955). density of Population: 819.
Literacy: 90.92 (100%).
The prawn shaped land lies in between the Western Ghats on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west. The strip of this perennial green land extends 580 km in the north-south direction. The width varies from 35 to 120 km. The topography and geographical features vary distinctly from the East to the West.
The climate is tropical. The weather is pleasant throughout the year.
Summer- Feb – May
Monsoon- June – Sept.
Winter- Oct – Jan
Time- GMT – 5:30
Currency: Indian Rupee
Kerala is cosmopolitan. Major religions are Hinduism, Christianity and Islam.
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